Free VPN to Unleash the Power of Your Digital Life
Best Free VPN 2020
Best free VPNs working in 2020 for Android, Windows, Linux devices, iPhone & iPad & iMac, and Browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, etc., including VPNs back China as well.
Best Free VPN Back China
Best free VPNs working for Android, Windows, Linux devices, iPhone & iPad & iMac, and Browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, etc., back China.
VPN Guides
Free VPN setup guides, including how to setup VPN with different protocals or solutions on VPS.
Best Free VPN for China
Best free VPNs working in China Mainland for Android, Windows, Linux devices, iPhone & iPad & iMac, and Browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, etc.
VPN Reviews
Unbiased reviews on VPNs, focusing on speed, UI/UX, log policy, security, features etc. that matters and you should consider when using these VPNs.
VPN Tools
Useful VPN tools like secure DNS, Speed Test and other network tools such as Ping, Traceroute etc.
Our clients say

Frequently asked questions
A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network. Applications running across a VPN may therefore benefit from the functionality, security, and management of the private network. Encryption is a common, although not an inherent, part of a VPN connection.
VPN technology was developed to provide access to corporate applications and resources to remote or mobile users, and to branch offices. For security, the private network connection may be established using an encrypted layered tunneling protocol, and users may be required to pass various authentication methods to gain access to the VPN. In other applications, Internet users may secure their connections with a VPN to circumvent geo-blocking and censorship or to connect to proxy servers to protect personal identity and location to stay anonymous on the Internet. Some websites, however, block access to known IP addresses used by VPNs to prevent the circumvention of their geo-restrictions, and many VPN providers have been developing strategies to get around these blockades.
A VPN is created by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of dedicated circuits or with tunneling protocols over existing networks. A VPN available from the public Internet can provide some of the benefits of a wide area network (WAN). From a user perspective, the resources available within the private network can be accessed remotely.
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and VPN protocols are not the same thing. VPN service lets users choose from a number of different VPN protocols depending on their needs and the device they’re using.
A VPN transmits your online traffic through encrypted tunnels to VPN servers that assign your device a new IP address. VPN protocols are sets of programs and processes that determine how that tunnel is actually formed. Each one is a different solution to the problem of secure, private, and somewhat anonymous internet communication.
No VPN protocol is perfect. Each may have potential vulnerabilities, documented or yet to be discovered, that may or may not compromise your security.
Sure, really free VPN services exist. And the reasons they exist are simple, including open source solutions for fighting again government internet policy for the internet freedom, or tryout services at the early stage of operation, or even free trials etc.
While if you don’t buy the product, you will be the product. And some VPN services are not safe to use for the security issues. We will try our best to identify these services. And you will use at your cost when you decide to use these services.
Yes, some of them are really working in China Mainland. As well known, China Mainland has the most restricted internet policy controlled by GWF. However, lots of VPN tools have the solutions to fight against GWF for internet freedom, which are using by these VPN services. We tested a lot to make sure these services are working at the moment when were testing. Just keep up-dated on
Of course, not only provided by the open source community, but also we will share some commercial VPN service provided solutions for you to use so that you can unlock the content which is just only accessible within China Mainland, such QQ Music and other streaming APPs.
Inspired by open source community, open source is not just only about software or codes you can use for personal and commercial purpose. We think useful information is also a step to help people in need out in some way.
At the first begining, we will only focus on sharing useful information for the people in need. Later on, we may introduce some ads which is not so intuitive and will not affect your use of this website. You can donate on us if you want to keep this website going together with us. The last one we are considering is that we may have some commision based promotion of VPN services in the future for better security of your digital life. is an information platform for the open source community to unleash the power of your digital life. For more information or business cooperation, you can Contact Us by email.